Thursday, March 10, 2011


Monday 14 March - Another lovely day in Adelaide so off on our bus again, well why not if you flash your "Seniors Card" the cost is free, and with the price of petrol at the moment why wouldn't you.
So today was spent walking around the huge botanical gardens of Adelaide, the rose section was gigantic, I couldn't believe the area covered so many varieties of roses, John had a pocket full of spent flowers in his pockets collecting seeds that will hopefully propogate later on. While walking around the gardens we could here the bands next door in the Fringe Festival arena, so we saved quite a bit of money over the weekend managing to listen to various acts for nothing. I know cheap you say but it was pretty expensive to get into the festival and some of the acts were ordinary. Anyway we sat and had a devonshire tea in the gardens for lunch which was very nice and then continued on through the gardens and back down the mall to hear and see other acts, but we decided to head back to camp because there were so many uni students half tanked walking aroundthe city and a huge amount of people due to the public holiday. You couldn't move for people.
The Adelaide Hospital was very impressive and really big, but I was blown away by the amount of cigarette butts lying on the ground just outside the main gates. I shouldn't have been surprised as there is so many smokers in the city they even smoke in cafes and restaurants that are open air, it is disgusting and they never put their butts in a bin, they go straight on the ground.
Oh well I will get off my bandwagon now and go cook dinner as tomorrow we are off the Moonta on the York Peninsula.

Sunday 13 March - Well back on bus 271 into the city and then walk down to the Tram station and head off to Glenelg for the day. It was a lovely day down at Glenelg the breeze was keeping it cool enough to walk around without feeling too hot. The Australian Beach Volleyball Championships were on which was exciting. So after having a look at that we walked around the beach area where they have a fun parlour with dodgem cars in water, a ferris wheel and two huge water slides.
After that we headed down the street and walked the full length looking at the shops etc, stopping for lunch as it was quite a long street, so once we got back from our walk we caught the tram back to the city and walked around looking at more of the buskers advertising for their shows at the Fringe Festival that night. Then back on the bus back to the park for a kick off of the shoes and drink o'clock.

Saturday 12 March - It is a lovely hot day 31° so we are heading off to Semaphore Beach which is near the Port of Adelaide. The water is fairly cool but very refreshing, the only problem you have to walk a mile out in the water to go above your knees and you need to take a picnic lunch down to the water as it is a long way away.
We then found a lovely little cafe near the yacht club where there were thousands of yachts and had lunch. After lunch we headed a little south of Semaphore and had another swim in a little deeper water, it turned out to be a lovely day.
John found part of a huge mussel shell, I could not believe that they could grow that big, wow it was huge.

Friday 11 March - We headed in to the city of Adelaide for the day on the bus, so after showing our "Seniors Card" we travelled for free - Bonus. We headed down to the Gouger Street markets, they were great. There was so many deli stalls the meats and cheeses were wonderful and reasonably priced. So we decided that we would have salami,rare wagau beef, chorizio, ham, a avariety of cheeses, roasted capsicum, lettuce, tomato and beautiful italian bread, yum, yum and beer and wine of course.
Because the "Fringe Festival" is on we kept stopping in the mall and watching the various acts that will be performing tonight, they are very talented. We ended up having lunch at a little Greek cafe that we went to last time we were here, their foods is fantastic.
After lunch we walked around some more checking out old buildings, the university buildings etc, but our feet got the better of us and decided to head back to camp, so we got back and chilled out. Tomorrow is supposed to be fairly warm so we will probably head up to Semaphore for a swim which is just over the Port of Adelaide, so should be a chill out day.

Thursday 10 March - Off we toddled to Mount Lofty to the lookout to take photos overlooking Adelaide and its surrounds, but as usual when we go to a lookout it was cloudy and dull so photos very uninteresting.
After that we headed up to Hahndorf and walked around the German Village from one end to the other. We had lunch, John wanted his Kransky and Sauerkraut roll that he had last year when we were up there and I ended up with a spud with bacon, sour cream and cheese. It is a nice little village very similar to Mount Tamborine. I didn't bother taking photos as I got a lot last year when we were up there.
After we exhausted Hahndorf we went up to Woodside where they have a huge confectionery shop, it is called Melbas where I bought my chocolate covered sultanas and John got his dark chocolate peppermint crisp, Mmmmmmm. We then headed up to Birdswood for a drive and decided to head back home, but managed to get lost, so we got to see lots of country side and lots of terrible windy blind cornered roads. The signposts or lack of did not help us at all. We have noticed in South Australia a really bad lack of signage or signs right on top of where you need to turn off, so if you blink you will miss it.
So no signs made for a very stressful trip home. To make matters worse the drivers over here are idiots, they only know one speed and that is flat out, there is little chance of making right hand turns as there is no let up in oncoming traffic it just keeps coming at 100klm an hour at you and to make matters worse when you do get a green light you have to wait until at least 4 cars go through red signals first before you can move. You do not get right hand turn green arrows between certain hours which happen to be peak times, it is horrific. We got home this afternoon and just sat down, John with his beer and me with my wine, we desperately needed to chill out.
Tomorrow we are thinking of going into the city of Adelaide, but there is a bus that leaves outside the park here and guess who will be on it, you guessed it these two little bunnies. Apparently if you do drive into town you are very unlikely to find a car park and a lot of the parking stations roofs are that low you won't fit, so fingers crossed tomorrow is less stressful.

Today - Wednesday 9 March, we headed off to Levi Park which is 5 klm outside of the city of Adelaide. Before we headed off we had a broken brake light to contend with and had to call in to auto pro and replace the bulb. So slow start to the day but we made it. When we checked in to the caravan park the woman taking our details informed us she was working around Australia with her husband and that she lived at Pacific Pines, so again what a small world.
We went for a drive around town after setting up to get a feel for where things were, and walked down from the park to a lovely walk along the Torrens River. John then found First Choice liquor store as the beer is a lot more expensive over here so he was pleased when he saw First Choice.

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